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Search college and university programs in Canada

EduCanada - A world of possibilities

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Canada’s college and university options are as vast and plentiful as our wide-open spaces. Start your search here so you can start planning your higher education studies in Canada.

Our search tool will help you find college and university courses, programs and institutions across Canada, along with the costs for tuition. You can search by subject or category, language and province. You may also search by degree, diploma or certificate.

Instructions to search for programs

To find college and university programs, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a keyword for the field you are interested in pursuing (for example, medicine). Or use the dropdown menu to select your category or field of interest.
  2. Choose the language in which you wish to study – English, French or Bilingual.
  3. Select the level of education you wish to pursue (for example, university).
  4. Choose the province or territory in which you wish to study or select 'No preference' if you want to consider all regions of Canada.
  5. Click 'Display a List of Programs' and await your search results.

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Information about post-secondary institutions’ programs and education costs presented by the EduCanada search tool are drawn from Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) Canadian Post-Secondary Institution Collection (CPIC) database. This information, including tuition fees, is updated by ESDC on a yearly basis and is subject to change.

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