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Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program


Call for applications for the 2024-2025 academic year is now closed.

Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program is part of Global Affairs Canada’s International Scholarships Program.

Global Affairs Canada and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to pursue post-secondary studies, research or Chinese language training or a combination of these activities at institutions in China. Established in 1973, the Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program (CCSEP) was the result of an undertaking by then Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Over the past 50 years, more than 1,100 scholars have participated in the program. Canadian scholars have brought new perspectives to their host country and returned to Canada with enhanced knowledge and understanding of China.


To be eligible, candidates must:

  • ✔ be Canadian citizens
  • ✔ either:
    • a full-time teaching or research staff at a post-secondary or research institution in Canada;
    • a student enrolled in either a college, undergraduate or graduate program at Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada; or
    • a mid-career professional from a Canadian government, media or cultural organization, or a national education association, who has a graduate (Master's or doctoral) degree and has had managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities within this organization for at least three years.
  • ✔ have achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable. Where Chinese is the language of instruction, proficiency must be HSK level 3 for undergraduate studies and HSK level 4 for graduate studies;
  • ✔ pursue an exchange in China; Eligible institutions and programs are marked by an asterisk (*) on the Campus China website ;
  • ✔ not be seeking a degree in China;
  • ✔ be under 45 years of age if applying under the “General Scholar” category of the China Scholarship Council (CSC); and
  • ✔ be under 50 years of age if applying under the “Senior Scholar” category of the CSC.

Employees of the Government of Canada’s departments and agencies (including those on leave), although eligible for this scholarship, are not eligible for the travel benefit funded by Global Affairs Canada.

Scholarship value and duration

Scholarship duration

Scholarships are awarded for:

  • 4 to 12 months for students
  • 8 weeks to 12 months for mid-career professionals, faculty members and researchers

Scholarship value

There are two components to the CCSEP scholarship.

The Chinese Government Scholarship component covers:

  • tuition fees at participating Chinese institutions ;
  • a monthly stipend (approximate values):
    • 2,500 Yuan for undergraduate students
    • 3,000 Yuan for Master's students/general scholars
    • 3,500 Yuan for Doctoral students/senior scholars
  • on-campus accommodation or a subsidy for off-campus accommodation (if permitted by the host institution); and
  • comprehensive medical insurance.

The Global Affairs Canada scholarship component covers the cost of travel to and from the destination in China via the most cost-effective route between the scholarship recipient’s point of origin and the final destination.

How the scholarship funding works

Recipients will receive information regarding payment of their Chinese Government Scholarship from their host institution. Funds for this component are disbursed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

Scholarship recipients must sign a Grant Agreement with Global Affairs Canada (GAC), through its legal name, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), in order to receive the in-kind grant towards the round-trip flight to and from China. Travel arrangements will be made through the designated travel agency of the scholarship administrator. DFATD will only cover the cost of approved flights to and from China at the beginning and completion of the scholarship. Any additional costs are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.

Application process

Candidates must complete a two-step application process.

Step 1: Complete and submit the online application form of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) on the My EduCanada portal.
Step 2: Complete and submit the online application form on the China Scholarship Council (CSC) website.

Candidates are required to submit both the DFATD application form and the CSC application form by 11:59 p.m. EDT on March 11, 2024 to be considered for the scholarship

Step 1: DFATD online application

Application instructions for candidates

  1. Select “Login or Register” to create an account on the My EduCanada portal.
  2. Once you have logged into your account, select the Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program and click on “Apply”.
  3. Enter data in the required fields and follow the instructions on the application form.
  4. Click “Validate and save” as you progress through the application form.
  5. Upload all required supporting documents. Each document must be smaller than 5 MB and in .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt or .xlsx format.
  6. Review all components of your application for accuracy and completeness.
  7. Read and accept the conditions of the “Declaration and permission” statement. Click “Submit”. You will receive a confirmation message and a reference number for your submitted application.
  8. Download the form for your records using the “Download” function.

Visit Help with My EduCanada for more information.

Supporting documents

  • Certificate of pre-admission or copy of correspondence
    • a certificate of pre-admission from the host institution or copy of correspondence demonstrating that the candidate has requested admission or will have access to the facilities needed to complete the proposed research project
    • email correspondence with the international admissions office or a potential academic collaborator is accepted
  • Copy of diploma
    • for the highest degree or diploma obtained
    • college or undergraduate students who have not yet obtained a post-secondary degree or diploma can upload a high school diploma
  • CV
    • includes work experience; most relevant scholarly publications and other knowledge dissemination activities, if applicable; most important distinctions, prizes, or scholarships received to date and their value, if applicable; and other relevant professional and/or academic accomplishments demonstrating academic merit, leadership abilities, and/or commitment to innovation and creativity
    • for candidates in visual, applied, performing, and media arts, includes the link to an online portfolio containing representative samples of artistic production
    • maximum 6 pages
  • Two letters of recommendation
    • letters from a professor, supervisor or employer
    • letters must be on letterhead, state the candidate’s name, be dated and signed
    • letters should explain the nature of the study or research and how the candidate will benefit from this scholarship program
  • Copy of official transcripts
    • an official transcript of the highest post-secondary studies completed (including colleges and CÉGEPs) and an official transcript of studies in progress (if applicable)
    • the institution’s seal and registrar’s signature must appear on the transcript
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship
    • a copy of the candidate's Canadian passport (valid for the duration of the scholarship)
    • documents not accepted as proof of citizenship are: birth or baptismal certificate, driver’s license, permanent residence card or health card
  • Proof of Chinese language proficiency (if applicable)
  • Study or research proposal
    • an essay describing your study or research plan (maximum 2 pages)
  • Proof of registration for studies in progress (if applicable)
    • must be issued by the Registrar’s Office at the candidate’s Canadian home institution to confirm full-time enrolment in an academic program
Step 2: China Scholarship Council (CSC) online application

Application instructions for candidates

  1. Create an account on the CSC online application portal.
  2. Select “Application online”. Then select “Edit personal details”. Once you complete all the required fields in this section, follow the instructions to access the application form.
  3. Select “Type A” under the Program Category.
  4. Input 1241 as the Agency Number.
  5. Select three institutions on the application. Those who indicate that they are not willing to consider alternatives may be withdrawn from consideration if the institution that they have indicated is deemed inappropriate by CSC, or is not able to offer a place.
  6. Follow all instructions including submission of required supporting documents.
  7. Candidates must apply either under the “General Scholar” category or the “Senior Scholar” category of the CSC. Candidates applying under the “General Scholar” category must hold at least a high school diploma and be under the age of 45. Candidates applying under the “Senior Scholar” category to undertake research in China must hold at least a Master’s degree or be associate professors or research staff and be under the age of 50.
  8. Save a copy of your completed CSC application form.

The CSC application may require additional documentation not required for the DFATD application.

All inquiries regarding the CSC application should be directed to:

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada
Attention: Education Office - Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program

Consult the Bilateral Program on the CSC website for more information.

Scholarship selection criteria

We evaluate applications based on:

  • professional or academic merit
  • rationale for going to China
  • feasibility of the proposed study or research plan
  • mid-career professionals must demonstrate strong leadership qualities through their commitment to innovation, creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit

Priority will be given to candidates whose study or research plan is related to China and/or who have not previously received a scholarship under the Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program.

Key dates

Application deadline

The deadline for candidates to submit the DFATD application form and the CSC application form is 11:59 p.m. EDT, March 11, 2024.

Notification of results


Candidates will be contacted by March 28, 2024 regarding the status of their application. Pre-selected candidates will receive a letter of intent from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada, which they will need to submit as soon as possible to the three Chinese institutions listed on their application to obtain a letter of pre-admission.

Pre-selected candidates are expected to submit the Letter(s) of Pre-Admission, if available, from their selected participating Chinese institution(s) and, if required, the Foreigner Physical Examination Form, to the CSC online application form by April 4, 2024.

Pre-selected candidates who do not obtain a Pre-admission Letter by April 4, 2024 will be allowed to continue to the next step of the CCSEP selection process. CSC makes the final decision on the Chinese host institutions for the selected recipients.

Final selection

The scholarship administrator will communicate with successful candidates by Summer 2024.

Successful candidates will receive an Admission Notice from the Chinese host institution along with materials related to the visa application process and travel to China around the same time as the final selection.

Selection of the scholarship recipients is subject to the CSC agreeing to the terms of admission of the host university or institution in China.

Arrival in China

The scholarship is tenable between September 2024 and August 2025.

The Chinese academic year typically begins in September and ends in mid-July, including a winter vacation of approximately three weeks in January or February.

For the 2024-2025 Chinese academic year, the fall semester will be from September 2024 to January 2025, and the spring semester will be from February 2025 to July 2025.

Scholarship conditions

Conditions for successful applicants

Selected applicants agree to:

  • be enrolled at their host university for the time period approved by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Permission for late enrollment must be obtained by the Chinese institution
  • return to Canada upon completion of their exchange program
  • not concurrently hold other scholarships offering similar benefits
  • apply for an X1 or X2 Visa and hold a valid passport for the duration of their stay in China
  • have appropriate medical insurance coverage for the duration of the scholarship
  • focus on their studies, research and/or Chinese language training at the Chinese host institution
  • not undertake paid employment in China during their scholarship

Failure to meet these conditions may result in the cancellation of the scholarship.

Additional information

  • Scholarships cannot be deferred and are not renewable
  • Scholarships are subject to availability of funding from the Government of Canada
  • Scholarships are not taxable for either the Canadian institution or the scholarship recipient
  • There is no appeal process for unsuccessful applications
  • The selection committee does not provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates
Contact us


Contact the scholarship administrator by email at or by phone at 613-237-4820.

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